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Cleartone Cm 9000 Pdf Download: The Ultimate Tetra-VHF-UHF Mobile for Emergency Services

The vehicle unit is a powerful business tool for mobile voiceand data communications. This fixed in-vehicle mobile provides greatersecurity and superior performance than conventional handportablevehicle installations and is simple and intuitive in its operation.Designed and manufactured by Cleartone Communication Systems, theCM9000 is designed for businesswith people on the move.

Cleartone Cm 9000 Pdf Download

Automatic and manual destination navigation software option isavailable that will automatically downloads to the screen route detailsagainstspecific jobs and provide visual and audio route directions.

TETRA CM9000 mobileHigh RF output power Large display screenDual / triple mode Tetra- VHF/UHF option DMO Gateway and Repeateroperation Compact control head option for covert use Dual controloptions Traffic routing option Data terminal option Internal GPSoption The CM9000 supports all of the voice and data services ofthe TETRA networks including TEA1,TEA2 and TEA3. The control headsoftware has the option to allow for dual mode operation betweenTETRA and existing VHF or UHF networks which is useful for existingradio systems that might need TETRA access to their privatenetworks. Dual control head working option is available togetherwith transportable and motorcycle versions. The CD300 data terminaluses the latest touch screen technology and has full control of theTetra mobile as well as offering options such as WAP, destinationnavigation system, video recording systems and bespoke windowsprogrammes.e-mail: [email protected]

The CM9000 TETRA mobile has been developed to meet the demandingrequirements of the emergency services. The transceiver provides upto 10 watts of RF output power, maximizing the equipmentoperational area within the Tetra network and in direct modebetween mobile terminals. DMO Gateway and Repeater is fitted asstandard and activated as and when required by entering a PIN codevia the keyboard. The display software, whilst packed withsophisticated features, is simple to use with easy to follow menusand shortcut keys to allow quick and easy access to allfeatures.

LYNX CM9000 TETRA MOBILE INFORMATIONFrequency Bands: OperationMode: RF Power: Power Supply: Size and weight: Display: AudioOutput: Keypad: Encryption: Options: Approvals: 380 - 400 MHz / 406- 430 MHz / 450 - 470 MHz / 806 870 MHz Trunked and direct modeoperation. Direct Mode / Gateway Repeater operation. Dual / Triplemode operation with VHF / UHF using a single control head Softwarecontrolled up to 10 watts (Class 2) 13.8v (nominal) Radio Unit:Control Head: 45 mm (h) x 170 mm (w) x 220 mm (d) 60 mm (h) x 180mm (w) x 51 mm (d) 1640 grms 418 grms

It's possible that you can upgrade to a double pedal, however, the answer really depends on your current pedal. The easiest way to upgrade is to buy a 5012--the primary side of a double pedal unit and the connecting universal rod. Your existing pedal will then be used as the slave pedal in the double unit. Before you order one, you will want to make sure that the stroke adjustment (the black, tear-drop shaped piece that sits above the spring) attached to the hex shaft is SQUARE. In other words, the end of the hex shaft that sticks out of the pedal needs to be square in shape. If not, the 5012 will not work. A 9000 single cannot be upgraded to a double pedal. back to top 2ff7e9595c

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