Right from the start VALVULAS NACIONAL, S.A. has been designing and producing safety valves according to the most recognized international standards and regulations: API, ASME, AD 2000-Merkblatt, ISO-4126 together with the European directives PED:2014/68/UE & ATEX:2014/34/UE.
The AD 2000-Merkblat ter are prepared by the seven associationslisted below who together form the "ArbeitsgemeinschaftDruckbehelter"(AD). The structure and the application of the AD2000 body of regulations and the procedural guidelines are coveredby AD 2000-Merkblatt G 1.The AD 2000-Merkbratter contain safetyrequirements to be met under normal operating conditions. Ifabove-normar loadings are to beexpected during the operation of thepressure vessel, this shall be taken into account by meetingspeciar requirements.rf there are any divergences from therequirements of this AD 2000-Merkbratt, It shall be posslble toprove that the standard of safety ofthis body of regulations hasbeen maintained by other means, e.g. by materials testing, tests,stress analysis, operating experience.
Ad 2000 Merkblatt A2 Pdf Freel
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o ForewordThe AD 2000 body of regulations can be applied tosatisfythe basic safety requirements of the PressureEquipmentDirective, principally for the conformity assessmentinaccordance with Modules "G" and "8 + F".The AD 2000 body ofregulations is structured along the l inesof a self-containedconcept. If other technical rules are usedin accordance with thestate of the art to solve related prob-lems, it is assumed that theoverall concept has been takeninto account.The AD 2000 body ofregulations can be used as appropriatefor other modules of thePressure Equipment Directive or fordifferent sectors of the law.Responsibility for testing is asspecified in the provisions oftherelevant sector ofthe law.
Scope1. 1 This AD 2000Merkblatt deals with the testing ofthestrength and toughness properties of pressings made fromflatproducts, regardless of the manufacturing process, aswell as visualexamination and dimensional checks. Pres-
sings include ends, segments and other preformed compo-nents.1.2This AD 2000-Merkblatt is also applicable to pressingsmanufacturedfrom individual components by welding andsubsequent forming. AD2000-Merkblatter HP 2/1, HP 5/ 2and HP 5/3 deal with the testing ofsuch welded joints beforeand after forming.
2 Material testsThis AD 2000-Merkblatt is applicable oncondition that theforming process and the equipment have beenverifiedaccording to AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 0 or W O. Aprocedurequalification test according to AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 2/1which also covers the formed welded joint is required in thecaseof pressings as specified in Material tests on pressings asdefined in Table 1 takeplace after the heat treatment which followsforming. Testingis required even if heat treatment may be omittedaccordingto AD 2000-Merkblatter HP 7/2, HP 7/3 or HP 7/4; testingisthen performed after forming. Notwithstanding this, testingof
the starting products is suffic ient in the case oftorisphericalends for which, according to 2.5 of AD2000-MerkblattHP 7/2, heat treatment is not required and is notcarried out.If the heat treatment of the pressing consists ofstress reliev-ing, the specimen sections may be removed beforehandandmay be heat treated in the same manner (see 2.6 of AD2000-Merkblatt HP 7/1).2.2 The scope of the material testing ofpressings isdefinedin 3. This is on condition that the startingflat products meetthe requirements in Series W AD 2000-Merkblatter.Whenpressings are tested individually by the relevant thirdparty,notwithstanding Series WAD 2000-Merkblatler, the startingflatproducts may be tested by the works authorised inspectorof thematerial manufacturer.For pressings which are manufactured by coldforming with-out subsequent heat treatment, flat products testedaccord-ing to Series W AD 2000-Merkblatter shall be used.2.3 In thecase of pressings made from clad flat products,3 appliesanalogously as far as the scope of material testingis concerned.The basic material is decisive when assigningmaterials to theMaterial Groups in Table 1. Special agree-ments may be necessary ifa different heat treatment has tobe used for the basic materialbecause of the cladding mate-rial.2.4 For hardened-and-temperedsteels where batch testingis carried out, a hardness test performedby the manufactureron 10% of the pressings, but on at least threepressings, isrequired in order to demonstrate the uniformity ofhardeningand tempering.2.5 The testing of pressings made frommaterials accordingto other material specifications takes placesaccording to theassignment to a Material Group as defined in AD2000-Merkblatt HP 0, Synoptic Tables 1 and 2 as stated intheassessment of suitability, unless the assessment of suitabi-litystipulates individual testing.
3.2.2 A specimen section shall be removed from two oppo-sitesides in the case of pressings having a length or diameter> 6 m.If the pressing consists of two or more single compo-nents from thesame cast, the two specimen sections shallbe removed from twosingle components. If a pressing con-tains single components frommore than one cast, a speci-men section shall be removed for eachcast.3.3 Excess lengths shall be providedforthe removal ofspe-cimen sections. If this is not possible, the removal ofspeci-men sections shall be agreed, with the relevant third partyifapplicable. For materials in Material Groups 1 and 5.1 ,speci-men sections which were subjected to a heat-treatmentpro-cess identical that for the pressings themselves maybetested.3.3.1 If it is possible to remove pieces from pressingshav-ing a length or diameter = . : : 6 m, such pieces may replacethespecimen sections taken from excess lengths.3.3.2 Where batchtesting is carried out, it is not necessaryto provide excess lengthfor the removal of specimen sec-tions on all the pressings in abatch.3_4 One set of specimens consisting of a tensile testspeci-men and three notch impact specimens shall be cut in eachcasefrom the test sections. If starting flat products are usedwhichwere not tested according to Series W AD 2000-Merkblatter, thetests to be performed are governed by therequirements in Series WAD2000-Merkblatter. The speci-mens shal l be removed at r ightanqlest) to the roil ing-direc-tion. In the case of pressings madefrom steels as specifiedin DIN EN 10025, the notch impact specimensshall be cutparallel to the roiling-direction.
4 RequirementsThe requirements stipulated for the startingproducts inSeries WAD 2000-Merkblatter are applicable, dependingonthe nominal wall thickness of the pressings, unless AD2000-Merkblatter HP 7/2, HP 7/3 or HP 7/4 stipulate otherprovisi-ons. The provisions in 8 of AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 5/2shallbe observed.For pressings which were hot-formed or heattreated, theupper l imit of the tensi le strength range may beexceeded byapproximately 5 % provided that the other properties ofthefinished component meet the requirements.
Page 4 AD 2000-MerkblattHP 8/1, 09.2001 editionTable 1. Scope ofmaterial testing on pressings having a length or diameter :-:-::;mMaterial Material qradess) Scope of testing Scope of testing withrelaxationGroup') without relaxation Prereq uisites Scope oftesting
We hereby confirm that the forming process was performed ace. toAD 2000-Merkblatt HP 7/2, Section 3.2_Heat treatment after forming:(state holding temperature, holding time and cooling conditions)Thehot-pressing process was monitored by (Technical Supervisory Body).Evidence was provided of suitability of the equip-ment used forheat treatment in accordance with AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 7/1 Section3.1_Plate/supplied by yourselves*)/according to enclosed*)1 in ourpossession*)/test certificate(s) to DIN EN 10204 were used:(statetype, test No., date, issuer)The plate used was restamped wherenecessary. The pressings are also marked with the followingdetails:- Pressing manufacturer 's brandmark- Specimen number-Batch number and identification of product which provided thespecimen jf applicable- Mark of testerTesting of the pressings1.Visual examination and dimensional check2. Material test3. Forwelded ends:3.1 The requirements in AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 5/2 weremet3.2 Non-destructive testing according to AD 2000-Merkblatt HP5/3
We hereby confirm that the conditions in AD 2000-Merkblatt HP7/3, Table 1, column 3*)/4*) were adhered to for theformingprocess.Heat treatment after forming: (state solutionannealing and quenching or stabilising)The hot-pressing process wasmonitored by (Technical Supervisory Body). Evidence was provided ofsuitability of the equip-ment used for heat treatment in accordancewith AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 7/1 Section 3.1.Plate/supplied byyourselves*)/according to enclosed')/ in our possession*)/testcertificate(s) to DIN EN 10204 were used:(state type, test No.,date, issuer)The plate used was restamped where necessary. Thepressings are also marked with the following details:- Pressingmanufacturer 's brandmark- Specimen number- Batch number andidentification of product which provided the specimen ifapplicable- Mark of testerTesting of the pressings1. Visualexamination and dimensional check2. Material test3. For weldedends:3.1 The requirements in AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 5/2 were met3.2Non-destructive testing according to AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 5/3
We hereby confirm that normalising*)/solution annealinq"] at ...C with a holding time of ... min with subsequent cooling inIwith... Ina heat treatment*) was performed. The heat treatment meetsthe stipulations in AD 2000-Merkblatter HP 7/2 orHP 7/3.Furtherheat treatment ...The forming process was monitored by (TechnicalSupervisory Body). Evidence was provided of suitability of theequipmentused for heat treatment in accordance with AD2000-Merkblatt HP 7/1 Section 3.1.Plate/supplied byyourselves*)/according to enolosed'j/ in our possession'j/testcertificate(s) to DIN EN 10204 were used:(state type, test No.,date, issuer)The plate used was restamped where necessary. Thepressings are also marked with the following details:- Pressingmanufacturer's brand mark- Specimen number- Batch number andidentification of product which provided the specimen ifapplicable- Mark of tester 2ff7e9595c